Zoning for Agricultural Businesses
Zoning issues can represent a major stumbling block for agriculture. Many communities have adopted zoning laws that restrict the ways in which large tracts of land can be developed. Others have called for limitations on the number of animals permitted within a certain distance of residential areas.
Agricultural Exemption
Fortunately, Ohio law allows agriculture to be completely exempt from rural zoning laws in many (but not all) situations. If your agricultural business is being hampered by local zoning requirements, we can ensure that you meet the state standards for exemption so that your business can continue to grow unimpeded by burdensome regulations.
Zoning for Adoption Centers, Breeders, and Boarding Kennels
In many commercially-zoned areas, it can be difficult to find a location that allows large numbers of animals to be housed or sold. In order to establish your business, it may be necessary to speak to members of your local zoning board and research local city and county ordinances.
Getting a Zoning Variance
Even if the zoning laws in your area simply don’t allow for kenneling, breeding, or other animal-related activities, you may still be able to move forward with your business by applying for a zoning variance. Our attorneys can use their in-depth knowledge of Ohio courts to help you get the variance you need, so that you can get your business on its feet as quickly as possible.