COVID-19: Responsible RestartOhio and Pets

455 views 5:54 pm 0 Comments April 28, 2020

The Ohio Department of Health and Gov. Mike DeWine issued a plan to restart Ohio’s economy during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on April 27, 2020.

How does Responsible RestartOhio pertain to pets and pet-related business?
✔️On May 1, 2020, veterinary services can resume. Yes, this means “non-essential” spay/neuters can be performed! Facilities that plan to resume providing services must adhere to infection control practices and have sufficient PPE.

✔️On May 12, 2020, consumer, retail, and services, may reopen. Consumer, retail, and services are not further defined, but many services that are often essential for pets, including retail grooming shops, dog walkers, and training centers, are NOT included on the continued closure list. Continued closures include:
-Schools and daycares
-Dine-in restaurants and bars (carry-out is still permitted)
-Personal appearance and beauty businesses
-Older adult daycare serveries and senior centers
-Adult day support or vocational rehabilitation services in group settings
-Entertainment, recreation, and gyms
The full list of continued business closures is available here:…/responsible-restart-ohio/Co…/

Thus, previously closed pet-related businesses such as retail grooming shops and doggie daycares are likely not prohibited from re-opening on May 12. Pet-related businesses that plan to resume providing services must adhere to the Sector Specific Operating Requirements, which include protocols such as ensuring a minimum of 6 ft between people and/or having barriers, employee symptom checks, handwashing, accessible sanitizer, cleaning protocols, and maximum occupancy limits. As of April 28, 2020, face coverings are recommended for employees and guests. The full list of Sector Specific Operating requirements can be found here:…/Sector-Specific-Operating-R…/

Businesses with questions about operating procedures can contact the ODH COVID-19 hotline (1-833-4-ASK-ODH) and/or an attorney for guidance.

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