Dog Owner Found Guilty of Companion Animal Cruelty

238 views 8:01 pm 0 Comments September 29, 2015

State v. Diane Campbell, a case we prosecuted, investigated by the Ashland County Sheriff’s Office with assistance from the Ashland County Humane Society.

Campbell was found guilty yesterday of one count of companion animal cruelty for neglecting her dog, Thor, who suffered from severe skin infections, hair loss over a large portion of his body, flea infestation, severe itching, a severe ear infection and an embedded collar. The veterinarian, Dr. Donald Kaeser, reported that Thor has “been suffering in this condition in my medical opinion for a very long time. A dog doesn’t get in this condition overnight and has been suffering from neglect. A reasonable owner would notice this dog was miserable and needed taken to a vet within a week or less.”

Campbell was ordered to surrender all of her animals, and to have no animals for three years. Campbell will be subject to random inspections. She faces 30 days in jail if she fails to comply. She was also ordered to pay $150 fine and court costs.

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