Robert Konst “Hollywood Bob” convicted of animal cruelty

405 views 8:05 pm 0 Comments June 20, 2014

State v. Robert Konst (a.k.a. “Hollywood Bob”), a case we prosecuted for the Geauga County Humane Society.

74 cats and one dead kitten were found at Konst’s residence and place of business in overcrowded and filthy conditions.  Animals suffered from a variety of ailments including severe upper respiratory infections, conjunctivitis, and infected and ruptured eyes. Konst was found guilty of 12 counts of companion animal cruelty.

Judge Terri Stupica of the Chardon Municipal Court placed Konst on 5 years probation, during which time he may not possess animals of any kind, is subject to random inspections, and must complete mental health treatment.  If he violates probation, Konst could serve up to 360 days in jail.  Furthermore, Konst is prohibited from keeping companion animals indefinitely, which means a lifetime ban unless the court orders otherwise in the future.

Konst must also pay a $400 fine, court costs, and restitution to the Humane Society in the amount of $3,360 as reimbursement for some of the costs associated with providing care and rehabilitation for the animals.

infected eyes

house blackened eye


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