Angels for Animals is presenting a seminar: “Animal Cruelty in Ohio, 2014” in Canfield, Ohio on Friday, May 16, 2014, starting at 9 a.m. Attorney Jeff Holland, who has prosecuted animal cruelty cases for 23 years, will be the presenter.
The course is open to law enforcement officers, including humane agents, attorneys and others interested in animal welfare. $10 for non-attorneys, $120 for attorneys who will receive 6 CLE credits.
See for more information.
Tags: Angels for Animals, Animal control officer training, animal cruelty law, Animal cruelty seminar, Animal law CLE, Animal law seminar, Canfield Ohio, Dog warden seminar, Dog warden training, Humane agent training, Humane officer continuing education, Humane officer training, Mahoning County animal cruelty, Ohio animal cruelty law, Ohio animal law CLE, Ohio animal law seminar